EZ Coding Solutions Apps

Close The Locks (Free) 1.3
Yes, another Sokoban Game.The game is a project I did when I was at school, I founditsometime ago while searching in my backups and I decided to portitto Android.Enjoy it!Search Tags: Sokoban, Puzzle Game
Simple Weight Manager 3.8.5
Simple Weight Manager is an applicationthatallows managing the weight by creating short-terms goals inwhichthe users can track down the calories intake and burn.The idea to create this app came up after usingmultipleapplications and not being satisfied with the results; mostof theweight manager applications I used focus on a target weight,whichdirect the users to create unrealistic goals.When a weight management application focus on the targetweight,the goal become long and hard to accomplish, the users getboredand stop using the application; other applications are toocomplexand difficult to understand, the simplicity is lost.Simple Weight Manager comes to overcome the currentapplicationslimitations by providing the following features:1. The application focus in short-term realistic goals; theusersmanage their weight by setting their calorie intake goal forcertainamount of days at a time (7, 15, and 30 days). The goal isfocusedon losing, gaining or maintaining certain amount of poundsratherthan a target weight, this prevent the user from gettingbored.2. The application can track the user’s weight moreefficientlythan other applications due to the fact the user isprompted toinput the weight at each goal the user creates.3. The application provides statistics for each goalcreated.4. The application keeps the users motivated byshowingnotification when the user needs to exercise, create goalsor theusers are in a negative calorie balance.5. The application provides a statistic screen where the usercansee a graph and a chart that show information about theweightprogress and calories distribution.Search Tags: calorie, weight, lose, exercise, fitness,food,diet.
Cowboy 1.1
Explore and collect fruits in the wildwildwest styles.